Back Cover
Claire Culwell knew her mother had given her up for adoption at birth, but she didn’t know all the circumstances surrounding her birth—until she was twenty-one.
It was then that she finally met Tonya, her birth mother. Claire gave her a card which read, “Thank you for choosing life for me.” Without warning, her mother burst into tears. That was when the truth came out. Claire found out what had happened before she was born, and it changed her life forever.
Copyright Info
The text (written by Hannah Griggs) and the cover (photo by Ezra Morley) of this “Life” booklet are © 2022 Lifeline Gifts, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). You are free to copy/adapt it for any purpose as long as you give appropriate credit to the original authors and indicate what changes were made.
However, 3rd party materials are the copyright of their respective owners and shared under various licenses. (Please see the copyright page and the credits section inside the book).
If you would like to print/publish the booklet as-is (without making any modifications) for non-commercial, pro-life ministry purposes then you need no further permissions.
But if you feel that your usage might be considered “commercial”, or you want to use the materials for something other than pro-life ministry, please make sure to clear your usage with the copyright holders of the 3rd party materials before proceeding, as we do not own the copyrights for them, and cannot give you permission. Specifically, you should:
- Ask permission for the illustration photos from Claire Culwell.
- Ask permission from the NHRTL for the “Baby Development Before Birth” article.
The finished print size for the booklet is 4″ x 6″. We printed them with Country Pines Printing for a very reasonable price.
- Download the Life booklet cover PDF (ready to print).
- Download the Life booklet PDF (ready to print).
- Download the text of the booklet.
- Download the cover photo.
- Download the background image for the pages.
- Download the fonts: Gwendolyn and Alegreya Sans (Regular)